O, .wind, people may laugh at me and blame
High velocity speed may bring only shame
What to do? Close the eyes or cover the knee
In both the cases it will only harm me
I was hardly aware of my red cheeks
Comments from people for all weeks
I maintained decorum with simple dress code
I swam across praise, acclaim and on fame rode
Not a murmur, comment or whisper when I pass
Girls, students and teacher observe silence in class
O God, why did you give me such a beautiful face?
Everybody seemed to run after and in race
So far nothing happened to affect my grace
Nothing untoward accident I recall or trace
Nature seemed gracious and always blessed
I thanked to God, prayed and confessed
Suddenly o, wind I find my self in fix
Joy and sadness both combined and mix
Whether to cry for help or simply laugh
What does he may think as my better half?
I shall suffer in both the cases
Living death if I compromise the honour
Eyes closed means going away from reality
Facing people’s ire and nature’s hostility
Prestige may enhance if you reduce the fury
No one will question your act including jury
I may be saved from future embarrassment
Restoration of pride without any harassment
You have nothing to gain by blowing with speed
Simple cool breeze and air flow is only need
I may admire and bow head with respect
You may too realize…………………..
hasmukh amathalal