Scarlett Treat - Born Yesterday

2014-11-10 5

To where has my
Lifetime spun away?
Into infinity, passing
Too quickly for me to
Catch my breath...

Why, was it only yesterday
That I was a child
Sitting at my mother's knee,
Sharing in her love
And warmth?

And was it only last week
That I was a young girl,
In love with being in love,
And in love with life
And a sailor-man

Who came into my life
At a time when I was
Least expecting him,
Sweeping me away
Into a raging tide
Of Love and Lust?

Was it two minutes ago
He stood at my side,
Held my hands
As I screamed and
Sweated at the birth
Of the next generation,

And held my newborn son
In the curve of my arm
At my breast,
At two AM in the morning,
When all I longed to do
Was sleep, and sleep?

As I blinked my eyes,
Another generation
Slipped in unexpectedly,
And now, without my noticing,
I stand and watch
As another child prepares

To leave her home,
Laughing into her future,
Leaning forward into her life,
Not looking backward,
In love with life
And being in love.

I wonder where the time has flown,
As my life whirled and twisted
Away from my careless fingers,
Slipping through, unnoticed,
Unthought of, uncared about
Until the time has escaped,
For I was only born yesterday.

Scarlett Treat