indira babbellapati - in gratitude to my destiny'

2014-11-10 1

had always toyed with
this idea we call destiny
is it some pre-programmed stuff?
is it scripted by me?
i could never decide
whenever i felt myself
an agent of some force
i became a mere toy
in the hands of destiny that
turned me into a spectator and
whenever the agent took back seat
i became the proud architect
of my destiny struttering around in glory
...still at times
when i no longer had
the nerve to take
just another wink
i wondered what it would be
if you were with me
and it's at these moments
i clearly see the invisible hand of
destiny waving her hand in victory
and giving me a wry smile at
my utter helplessness
this is how destiny
has charted its course
for me in this life...
is what i would tell myself
unwillingly, though...

no longer in youthful arrogance
i now see
what i'm is
what my destiny
doled out to me
in all its benevolence...


indira babbellapati