hasmukh amathalal - Beautiful World

2014-11-10 12

Learned poets have said beauty is to enjoy
Like fresh flowers always give you joy
Don’t attempt to pluck or destroy
Not to play with it as simple toy

Thing of beauty is joy for ever
Ever lasting and fading never
Liked by eyes and smelt by nose
Fresh fragrance of flower like rose

Is beauty confined to physical appearance?
Does inner beauty find no substance?
Is that look so important and impose?
No matter whether it denies or trust repose?

Beauty not to be taken from sex point of view,
It is acknowledgement of grace and due
What matters most is simple praise and fact?
Leaving behind all games and not to look suspect

Even God is another name for beauty
Universal acknowledgement for kindness but not pity
We al raise out hands for its grace
Meet all with happiness and embrace

There lies beauty in everything around
Happiness and joy everywhere found
This speaks good and seems so sound
Love spell all over relations bound

It may not spread hatred but only brotherhood
It may not confine to area or only neighbourhood
It has its own role to play and not hide
Everything so open and nothing to confide

History may not repeat the bloody wars fought
Beauty has always ruled and cooperation sought
Queens, princess were married for the sake of peace
Not to shed blood but for stability and life at ease

We may not undermine the essence of beauty
Protect it from harm and consider it as duty
Let us praise and preserve it as God’s gift
No fight, no tension and with out any rift

hasmukh amathalal
