Carolyn Ford Witt - - * MAMA'S LEGACY * -

2014-11-10 3


When I was just a little girl
I lay in Mama's bed
To listen to the fairy tales
From the little books she read.

Of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Cinderella and her Prince
Of Rumplestiltskin-Puss 'N Boots
And Aladdin and his tents.

I couldn't get enough of them
I'd ask her every night
But sleep would always conquer me
No matter how I'd fight.

I'd recite the words along with her
I knew them all by heart
She'd read to me from anything
Some knowledge to impart.

She taught me about the world around
From books she read aloud
She made my life worth living
And made me live it proud.

When I had children of my own
I read from those same books
To teach my children that in this life
You need brains, not just good looks.

Author: Carolyn Ford Witt
Ms. Caroline
© 10-27-05

dedicated to my mother
Wilma Ford

Carolyn Ford Witt