LNP shenanigans delight the native
crowd again – but geeze, Wilson
Tuckey quoted in the same shrewd
sentence as His Royal Shyness,
the Front Bench Opposition Health
spokesman, Peter Dutton is
beyond belief.
Who’d have seen a semblance of
connect between the two except
the ABC? That Peter failed a pre-
selection bid for the Dickson Seat
he holds doesn’t have too much
to do with Old ‘Ironbar’ unless
you’re real short-polled for words.
Senator Barnaby Joyce, a sort of
born-again neo-evangelist with
National(istic) leanings said, ‘relax,
it’s just Democracy in action’, and
he may be right; it’s that odd thing
only we and backbenchers in
Opposition might get to exercise.
© 6 October 2009, I. D. Carswell
Ivan Donn Carswell