Pretty pearls of wisdom in a silken drawstring bag.
Endow when treated with respect to cure the ills of man.
Almost rounded as a pea and clear as purest glass.
Razzle- dazzle sparkle many colours now to hand.
Lattice woven patterns now glitter through the gaud.
Six and twenty counted, you are indeed a lucky man.
Oh Lord what blessings in disguise a pearl can soon reveal?
From simple questions, what is love? What can I do for you?
With minute and careful study examined looking deep.
In each pearl viewed real close unlocking all that`s hidden.
Simple words and phrases? No I am not and old Magician!
Diapason harmonies, sweet sounds you can imagine.
Omnipotent multitudes await a Poets humble bidding.
My joyous task to catalogue with delicious inspiration.
Philip Winchester