Lord, have mercy, have mercy on me.
I have sinned,
I have fallen,
I am far from grace.
Alone, deeply toned in repentance
I merge my soul with yours, oh Lord.
Mingling my emptiness with your
with your magnificent love.
Lord have mercy, have mercy on me.
I have destroyed
the goodness
you filled in me.
Adrift in the world of human space
I empty my heart of salvation, oh God.
Masking my faith with indifference,
with anger, with doubts.
Lord have mercy, have mercy on me.
I have become
a caricature
of a man.
Lost in space, in the universe.
My soul yearning for the peace
I used to find in You.
Seeking You, sweet Lord.
Lord have mercy, have mercy on me.
Chris G. Vaillancourt