hasmukh amathalal - Goal

2014-11-10 5

Never thought I may have to leave and pack
Did not pay serious attention or looked back
When time approached, I was caught unaware
Everybody should think over it and prepare

Not necessarily you should worry and put strain
There will be enough for you to board the train
You should be ready and reserve in advance
All will be well and in order when you look around and glance

Life journey may come to abrupt halt and adjourn,
Many of your kins may leave you behind to mourn
March may go ahead with sad or happy memory
One should face it boldly without any worry

Life is sacred mission and should be judiciously pursued
Every move will be countered and you will be sued
Opportunity should be availed and not missed
Failure or success, death or life should always be kissed

You may like or prefer to laugh at the outcome
Things may turn sour when you are not welcome
Hostile reception may land you in awkward position
Life may look mixture of all and good composition

You can err, learn, laugh or cry
No one would come and ask you why?
Whether you lay flat on ground or fly
You should rejoice at success and never feel shy

I may not hold practical philosophical view
Time and again give look back and review
This will afford enough room to assess
Kindness to offer and crimes to confess

It may not be possible to remain lenient
Not to remain calm and even silent
You must look forward with aim so high
Feet firmly on ground but looking at sky

hasmukh amathalal
