2014-11-10 6

I look across the autumn fields
So brown and bare for cut and turned,
By blades of plough that scarred the land
Where summer wheat did sway,
The crows now climb the clods of earth
All strewn with shafts of golden straw,
While swiftless skies are silent
As September slips away.

The hedges cut where hawthorn grew
And blossomed in the early spring,
Beside the path where fallen leaves
Lie scattered on the floor,
Where once the pretty daisies grew
With dandelions amongst the grass,
Now just the fading clover stays
As winter nears once more.

The border trees stand lightly tinged
With amber flecks amongst the green,
Their faintest shadows rest upon
The undulating ground,
As evening sunlight slowly falls
And cloudless skies begin to glow,
I hold the comfort that the spring
Shall quickly come around.

Copyright. Andrew Blakemore 2009


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