Life is enterprising with full of opportunities
It may show good sign with little continuities
You can’t go forward sans vigour and strength
Path may be lost without proper wavelength
Life may have upheavals with ups and down
Even good progress may invite wrath and frown
The course has to be steered with careful count
Not to yield to pressure even if it mounts
Life boat is laden with ammunition and explosives?
It may bear burden if we have hostile relatives
Why to think of hate, anger, jealousy on boat?
There is every chance for it’s capsize when afloat
Life boat may face rough weather and storm
Relation may get strained and not remain warm
Damage may occur with little or no harm
No one can escape ………….
How to have smooth sailing without proper direction?
How to start from stretch and where to end the action?
Will we be able to sail with full load on route?
Either to surrender to fate or face the complete rout
Life is like boat and may face many challenges
Best way open is how to face and manage?
Luck may not side with or favour the tide
Success story may reveal even if you try to hide
Strange may be ways when dear one departs
Life will be in doll drums if fails with good start
Lucky may be those who find good treasure
Words may be less to express its pleasure
Still past may hound and future look bleak?
Honesty must prevail and action should speak
It will not matter what we gained or lost?
Love must be won over at whatever cost
hasmukh amathalal