[To my love, my light: Madox...]
My love for You, Son
Is no different today
than it was the moment
You became inside me-
I am Nothing more than
an empty Shell without You.
My distance is only to
Protect You
from what follows me.
O’ what a scare my Eyes will give You.
For my Soul’s been taped;
but not before being raped.
The mending takes time
and I will not have You staring,
Eye to Eye
While I fight to recover
my smiling Eyes.
Stop Your Searching
for ‘Mama‘s Car’-
or [i]Me.[/i]
I begged God
to have pity upon me.
With his Mercy,
He spared Your
Sacred Soul
from All - or any
[i] Or so I Force myself to Believe.[/i]
Quin Faas