ANDREW BLAKEMORE - The Soft September Sunlight Shone

2014-11-10 2

The soft September sunlight shone
Through still and stagnant waters green,
A clouded mass of silt and weed
Beside the bridge's arch.

A shoal of silver rudd did lie
So motionless yet through the murk,
They glowed and lit the shallows
Of that peaceful waterway.

Like frozen in the midst of time
They hung suspended there before,
Too many for my eyes to count
The season had been kind.

I heard a moorhen call within
The weary wilting banks of reed,
Too shy to leave the safety
Of the shadows where it swam.

Beyond the hawthorn berries ripe
In scarlet drew my wandering gaze,
Where bush and brick converged I stared
As autumn days drew near.

Copyright. Andrew Blakemore 2009