Try and UnDeRStANd mE ....i promise im normal - Ready too GivE uP!

2014-11-10 7

Siting on the edge,
Ready to give up
Tears are rolling down,
Thinking of my loved ones,
And how they would feel,
If i gave up my life today
Would people cry?
If i gave up my life today
Would people even realize?

I need you to do something
Something that will rock my world!
I need you to do something
I dont wanna be this girl anymore

I felt a rush of energy flowing through my blood
Why should i give up my own life
For people who never took the time to love?
This is probably what they expected
Cuz i wuz never excepted
Looking back at all the ones who brought me down
And i saw my daddy's eyes
The one that beat me every night
He said that for me nobody cared
But then i looked around
And i see my mother standing there
WIth tears in her eyes watchin yet wanting to die
BUt she didnt think of just herslef and problems in her life
She didnt think of who wuz hurt but she thought about me!
SO i got off that edge and instead took the stairs
I refuse to die for people who never took the time to care
ANd even if i have to suffer the rest of my life
I got off that edge for the few people who treated me right

YOu did something
Something that rocked my world
YOu did something
Im not the same girl anymore!

You took away the sadness you took away the blame
Im happy with the few people who actually no my name
FOr the people who loved me and tried to wipe the tears away

For you im not giving up my life today!

Because he did something
Somthing that rocked my world
He did something
Im not the same girl anymore!

Try and UnDeRStANd mE ....i promise im normal