Rajaram Ramachandran - #(Buddha) 25 The Story of Two Birds

2014-11-10 7

Buddha was always keen
On one taking quick action,
And in support, he told
A story of two birds.

“Actions of the past
Shape the present.
Actions of the present
Shape the future bright.”

Two birds lived on a tree
Very much happy and free,
At night, it became cold
And the birds shivered.

The female bird told
“I’ll die, it’s too cold
A nest, to keep us warm
You build, in day time.”

The male bird said,
“I’ll surely build,
Tomorrow, a nice one,
For us to live in.”

Next day, it forgot
To build the nest,
As the sun came
To keep them warm.

It went on like this
For many years,
Until they both died,
Frozen by deep cold.

Had the male built
For them a warm nest
They would have survived
And some more years, lived.

“If you want to do
Tomorrow, do it today.
If you want to do
Today, do it now.”

Rajaram Ramachandran
