Charles Tiffin Clegg - 32 OUNCES FROM HEAVEN

2014-11-10 5

Snap Cap Success' or '32 Ounces From Heaven'

Oh how I miss that old sound from the can
It's a snap. shhh, that smell and bubbles abound
The smell takes me back to the fun I have had
The police, and the blood, the wet down my pants
Lets have a cold one just for old times
Then I will laugh. feel so happy, puke, but not care

Now my car is all dented, it won't drive at all
But I'm happy you see, I'm having a ball
The handcuffs are tight and the cop is real mean
I need a drink, it would change everything..

Once I am free I can party all night
and it will be so different,
just fun with pure joy
Do you know where I live, or maybe my name?
I can't check my license, they took it again..

Charles Tiffin Clegg