Kyle Jones - Setacide (Suicide Set Aside) : A Multi-Poet Effort Against Self Destructive Actions & Tragedy

2014-11-10 1

You told me '...I want to die', I myself have felt that, more than once in my life
I look back everyone in a while, but never exceeding the usual allowance of painful reminiscence nor the sentimentality of self absorbed heartache. There are those who would KILL to be in your place, especially the ones whose ankles are trapped behind their neck or in a car underwater... or both at once.
But enough with the morose imagery, it never did anyone any good, quite the opposite infact.
'Leaving (or arriving) with a bang' was never meant to include a nine millimeter hand gun, but from what I hear it doesn't hurt, though anyone who could speak from experience is in no condition too

U.S. Suicide Hot Line 1-800-784-2433

Note: This is a Work in Progress, I will add much much more in the near and distant future. I also invite other poets to contribute their own stanzas or verses via private message. Your name will be shown in the text as a writer in the compilation.

Poets: Appearing in order of inclusion
- Kyle Jones
- Ariel Holmes

Kyle Jones