Green is my favorite color
because it is the color of life, vitality
of all things living,
the vines that creep across the ground
or the trees that shoot up like hands reaching for the sky.
My treasure is something I live for- all things living
Brown is my favorite color
because it is the color of warmth,
of support and protection
the ground beneath us that supports all life
or the bark of a tree that is its greatest armor.
My treasure is something i live for- warmth and protection
Purple is my favorite color
because it is the color of strength
mystic and swift
the sensation of running, power pushing forward
of dawn and dusk, the in between when light and dark mingle.
my treasure is something i live for-strength of mind and body
Blue is my favorite color
because it is the color of calm
of relaxation and of emotional balance
still water on a calm lake, ripples licking at the shore
or the clear sky of a cloudless day, a gem of azure beckoning.
My treasure is something I live for- calm reflection
White is my favorite color
because is my favorite color of purity
of God and all his power
of light in the truest of forms
and of the wings of angels, the protectors of all that is good.
My treasure is something I live for- God and his limitless love
One treasure I give to you,
which one shall it be?
Angelic Warrior