Pedro Cescon - A Copying Cat

2014-11-10 9

A day / A night
A pet / A sight
Paws / Thy Claws
Fur white / Hellkite
Small teeth / Thy Jaws

Red, brown? White, grey? Born stark?
At night all cats are dark

Bear crown? Without way? No marque?
In the dark all cats' labels are park

All cats are cat, at night,
No doubts about their power, their might,
Let none question the fear they incite,
'Cause for advantage they have cat's spite,
And night is quite the cat's best site,
For proven the fact, which strangeness is quite,
That is at the dark where cat's do their flight,
And none's is worst than a very cat's bite

For none can be a cat's copycat,
And no cat can avoid copying cats

Pedro Cescon

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