John Knight - Too Late - Too Late - Too too Late

2014-11-10 5

Too late to - Say goodbye
Too late to - Hear your sigh
Too late to - Sooth your pain
Too late to - Come again
Too late to - My debt to pay
Too late to - 'I am so sorry' say
Too late to - Hold your hand
Too late to - Make a stand
Too late to - Help a friend
Too late to - Be there - at the end
Too late to - Show affection
Too late to - Heal an imperfection
Too late to - Be there just for you
Too late to - Help you tie your shoe
Too late - For our last date
Too late - Too late - Too too late!

This poem is another 'Poesie Repetitive' posted as a warning to all Procrastinators - and also all those who keep putting off things until 'tomorrow'!

(John Knight - September 2009)

John Knight