Panini cheated me
He said, ' heart is neuter'
So I let it wander.
Lost to a woman it refusedto return
Ah, 'it' must be a 'he'
Alas, Panini cheated me.
Bhartrhari cost me my job
He said, ' never entertain fools'
So I didn't laugh at the jokes of my boss
And I was fired.
Alas, Bhartrhari cost me my job
Jesus let me down
He said, ' love thy neighbour'
I tried
Her husband bashed me up
Alas, Jesus let me down
Gandhi ruined my llife
He said, never tell a lie'
So I spoke the truth to my wife
She deserted me for good
Alas, Gandhi ruined my life
(Hyderabad) (September03, '09)
Shakuntala Sharma