Sandra Martyres - A candle goes out

2014-11-10 4

When the cruel winds of change
Blew over his household
Leaving the family in dire straits
He never once grumbled
His spirit resembled a candle
Blowing in the wind
Defying all the negative forces
His light never blew out
It may have dimmed
But only to brighten again
He lighted up the lives
Of his near and dear ones
And those of his neighbors too
He gave hope to the hopeless
Helped feed the hungry
Placed a friendly arm around the lonely
Dried the tears of the unhappy
Now his candle has finally
Blown out completely
But his life’s good work will
Like a legend will live on…

(Inspired by the passing of a very good man and Elton John's - A Candle in the Wind)

Sandra Martyres

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