Angelina Pandian - Did you MISS me!

2014-11-10 5

Did you miss me, dear friend
Tell me, did you miss me, true?
Did you miss me like a Jasmine
Misses the moon and so closes
Her eyes the whole day through?
Did you miss me like a peacock
Misses the rain and so dances
In abandon on seeing a cloud?
Did you miss me, pray, do tell
Did you search for me at least
Just one day did you look about
For some stray poem of mine?
Did you miss me, friend
Did a thought of yours
Come seaching for me
Like a hand at night gropes
Half asleep in the dark
For a reassuring touch?
Did you miss me, friends
As I missed you, not much
Not less, just as much?
Till my heart ached
Till I felt I was going mad
Till I thought no more
Of this I can stand!
Did you miss me friends
As much as I missed you all!

Note – I am happy to be back again, missed you all so much! - Angel

Angelina Pandian