Poetry is the window of the Soul
Every window has two sides
By virtue of its own transparency.
Windows allow us - to look in and out
That is the function of Poetry
C'est la raison d'etre de Poeisme!
Poetry is an expression of Emotion
Poetry is a release of Ecstacy.
A pent up verbalisation,
Exploding from deep within
Poetry scans from Alpha to Omega
Poetry is both Catharsis and Angst!
From whence - the Poemhunter Family?
For what - the Poemhunter Family?
And how - the Poemhunter Family? !
Heterogeneous and Multicultural
And yet a Homogeneous Soul,
The love - the life - the lure of POETRY
The summation of its parts................?
Exponential and Electric
Unique and Unifying
Precious and Purifying
Poetic sustenance for everybody
Their Self - their Soul - their Spirit!
Our strength is in our Family
Each one - an Individual
Each one - a Unique Contribution
Each one - a Balanced Equal
Each one - in Full Participation
The most awesome Family on Earth!
Each Member is so Beautiful
Each Poem is so Individual
Each Comment is so so Perfect
Each Sharing is a Sacrifice
Each Reading is an Act of Love
Each Line a Balm from Paradise! !
This poem is dedicated to the Beauty of the whole Poemhunter Family. Each Member, Each Poem, The joy of corporate Love. I love you all - exothermally
John Knight