Thought that i will find the fair place, thought that lastly I will live in justice and peace, unfortunately I did not, just to let you understand WHY i write this topic,
I will die peacefully only if my killer will be known, i will die peacefully when some one discover how that thief killed me or how he killed my dear friends, that time I do die peacefully otherwise I fight for my right to take last breath till i leave a mark on his face showing that he is my killer, like that i do see things,
The poet does not fear, has to mend what around,
poet, writers, never act as blind.
if you ignore what around then you are excluded from being a true writer, a true poet,
wait and watch how we will be out of popularity game, WILL BE CONTINUED
I was planning to stop this topic but i decided now that i will not..i will continue talking and you continue decreasing my ratting.which prove that so many wrong thing in this site and this will feel exhausted, but for me i will stay determind...deeply rooted in the land, no one shakes always to stand in the face of a stormy sands...we are the pain relievers, hapiness builders..secret keepers..when every body leaves you find me there..ready to give..ready to care..eradicate scary night with night the doves will carry you back to home...
TaMaRa HaNaRiNg ,(((( PaLeSTiNe))))FreedOm Flottila .