The drawing came back
Like a second line of a poem
My throat grew tight, chills
ran down my spine
I remember I was once
spellbound by a child’s drawing
of earth and sky... water and light
Her deft hands and inner eye
capturing dream and reality
the transparent duality
There in the surface of the lake
in that thin layer of reflection
The green in the trees, the blue in the sky
The gleam in the lake, the sun’s golden eye
The drawing was a poem
that awakened my heart
A déjà vu of sorts
A painting in verse
mirror a picture in words
the vision
mine and hers
One and the same
both recognizing
that face without name
Same lake, same vision
A third eye’s inward reflection
I returned to the drawing in a flash
My eyes ripple life... my smile
Widening like the sky
* with much thanks to Ronald Peat for challenging me to re-write
'Spellbound' and to capture epiphanies
Sonya Florentino