Sulaiman Mohd Yusof - * Suicide *

2014-11-10 23

Martini on the rocks
Spilled over the tabletop
Wetting the Oakwood
Like a chemical spillage
Another stunned moment
The vacant chairs
Wondered, why on earth
The spill ever took place
No one has attended to the beverage
Since the long leftover
If someone had needed someone
To feel lively, then the Martini
Shouldn't have spilled out
And abandoned without an enthusiast
Damage has been done indiscriminately
Nothing was perfect
When nothing went wrong
The Martini was just another victim
Of circumstances
Ironically, the other patrons
Were too high to notice
The mishaps
Two hours later
A headline ripped apart the nation
A young body of a woman
Was cut into two, under the train
With a note miraculously attached
‘Martini, my love needs a u-turn ‘

Sulaiman Mohd Yusof

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