Lonnie Hicks - Faithing

2014-11-10 14

Belief and Faith come naked from the night
having no origins,
no obvious intents.

They fasten themselves onto the loving heart
and providing it the nourishment
nothing else abides.

So how can you believe what you cannot see
what is so much against the odds, they said.
But all great things Faith says were deemed
impossible at the beginning.

There was Edison, computers, religion itself
all would have been doomed if the initiators
believed those that said they were not possible.

But possible they were because of that slender thread
that said
'No matter what they think,
I will try to make my dream
come real.'
'No matter those that say
nothing is possible
I will take up my faith in me and others who
also dream in tandem
and we will show
all miracles and great things
begin in simple faith and belief
that something new can be
and is possible.

Lonnie Hicks


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