Lonnie Hicks - Rememberless

2014-11-10 4

She fixed me with those large Devotion Eyes
my psyche paralyzed by those liquid lights
which reside there twinkle-flashing into me.

They read deep
until I have to reach to see
where inside those eyes have touched me

She moved toward me
never looking away;
I'm hypnotized and she knows
I'll not be able to move or breath
until she reaches inside my personal space
inches away
from her juicy mouth
and satiny.

My insides plead
for them to kiss me
but she
does not-
she bites my lip instead-

her breasts sailing into the harbor
that is my arms
abutting my wharf
her nipples spreading
into my slip;
ripples of her slow breathing
rustle from her cotton-candy mouth
dissolving mine;
my tongue now sugar sweet.

Her lips soften
slide gently into me
soft tongue to tongue
the two dancing.

I cannot move.

She inhales and all of my breath is gone.
I exhale across her collar bone
where my mouth dives to clef between;
rushing down to rounded-mound
and then to her sister one
and nipple taut
she breaths again
allowing it to blush-
becoming more erect inside my quivering mouth.

Each time
it is a kiss only;
only a kiss.

Each time
I remember
an instant late
before it all absorbs me again
each time consumed after first fixed
by those liquid eyes
and her candy mouth.

Lonnie Hicks
