Lonnie Hicks - Individual Thus?

2014-11-10 0

It could be that I am Perfection's Love
and all that you need.

It could be that you will brim with satiation
of all my needs;

I could be in error tho,
and therefore cannot be Me
if all of above were true.

But Being Me should not lie down at
Needs Door
and be external to the me
I was born with and the Me I am.

So perhaps I should be the Am which I already Am
and need not Be for you
the All you need,

understanding however that tack
is mere self-contained self-sufficiency
which in the end is isolating and lonely.

Surely self-containment is not the perfection we all should seek.
It must thus
that the individualistic suppositions we all assume
are clearly not true
because I am not truly the individual Am
and never was.
If, therefore, I am indeed a collective Me,
then how can I be the perfect match-
singularly- for thee?

The only way I think this could be
is that I and you
become Multiplicities able to abide,
meet and supply
our mutual multiple needs.
But is this Schizophrenia
both individually and culturally?
There is that word Individual again.

Lonnie Hicks


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