'Where' he said 'is what I am looking for?
'In your eyes' she said.
'Where is what I need' he said.
'In what you heed' she said.
'Where is my Love' he said.
'In the giving of, ' she said.
'Where do I find peace' he said.
'In the community', she said.
'Where is happiness, ' he said
'In truth for more than one' she said.
'Why I am looking for all this? ' he said
'Because you keep looking out there' she said
'All true things' she said 'are not located out there
nor all in here;
rather all things are in the relationships we have
with our selves
and others who relate within, between and among-
creating therefore an infinite nexus-
the ultimate social network.
So where you might ask is happiness in a network?
'It, 'she said 'is in the connectedness
not in the individuals who blog there.
Oh, he said.
Lonnie Hicks