Joe Rosochacki - Oh Iphone, Oh Iphone, where art thou Iphone?

2014-11-10 8

It wasn't the Peking Opera that beheld this tragedy.
But it was a loss of an Apple Iphone.
Sun Danyong,25, committed suicide.
For he lost a phone-an Iphone,
Not just an ordinary phone,
He lost a 4th generation Iphone.
So much is secret about digital communication technology.
What is and what is not known.
He was beaten and detained by the company's security guards;
For he had lost one of sixteen 4th generation prototypes.
Amid all the hype,
In the morning of July 16, Sun jumped from his 12th floor apartment,
Before the Sun rose.
What was more direct,
Is the statement made by Jill Tan, an Apple spokeswoman said about the incident,
'We are saddened by the tragic loss of this young employee,
and we are awaiting results of the investigations into his death.'
'We require our suppliers to treat all workers with dignity and respect.'
Don't hold your breath.
Foxconn Technology Group has a large stake to secure its deal with Apple
-with frightful indignation.
Because another company is going wait in line - if they screw up.
Sun Danyong is a bit of collateral damage in this war of information


Joe Rosochacki

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