Abhijit Surve - Rest In Peace...

2014-11-10 4

World today in its ever changing phase,
Is discriminated into skin color and race..
Just following the herd without a clue,
We claim we are one but that’s not true..

Same air we breathe, one planet we share,
Our brothers are dying but we don't care..
We never feel their pain, no book unfurled,
So easily we claim it as a third world..

The rich spend millions on undue luxuries,
The poor can't effort to cure their injuries..
Ever increasing greed has killed our soul,
Honesty and humbleness no longer play a role..

Your black, I'm white is how we are known,
Distinguish our friends by their skin tone..
The blood in our veins is nothing but red,
Then why this racism resides in our head..

Every one is indulged in raising the bar,
To just show the world how powerful we are..
No nukes, no bombs having destructive power,
Understanding and faith is the need of the hour..

We deny what is true don't accept the facts,
Disgrace our people with our miserable acts..
Kill in numbers to prove a point or two,
Blame others for all that is wrong in you..

Sometimes we think there's a need for a change,
But soon we realize it's not within our range..
The numbers against us our pretty much high,
we've been living like this, like this we shall die..

Think of a better world for our children to live,
This one thought may be enough to heave..
The diminishing spirit of humanity on its feet,
To help build a world where the two ends meet..

So before we die, we promise that one good deed,
Which gives water and light our humanity seed..
One slim chance is there for us to seize,
May be then forever, we shall 'Rest In Peace'..

Abhijit Surve
