Steven SRS - The Jester of Joy

2014-11-10 3

I am the Jester of Joy,
A nomad of peace,
From the Land of Not.
Entertainer of souls,
A servant to man.

I am the Jester of Joy,
Mine is to spread joy through the world.
I make they who smile, laugh,
They who sulk, smile,
And I can try the tears of they who cry.

I am the Jester of Joy,
I reach out to touch at least one person,
To touch their heart with love.
I strive to touch for at least a moment,
To fill their life with joy.

I am the Jester of Joy,
And I have dream,
Of the world seeing as I do,
Through the eyes of joy,
For the better world it would be.

I am the Jester of Joy,
This is my purpose, my life, me.
For I am a servant to man,
Entertainer of souls,
The Jester of Joy.

Steven SRS