Steven SRS - A Person of Exemplary Caliber

2014-11-10 2

…carries their own weight, pays their own fare.

…has no price, they can't be bought.

…has infinite compassion, they forgive without hesitation.

…doesn't laugh at the shortcomings of others; epicaricacy or schadenfreude is eschewed.

…finds no comfort in a lie, no matter how comforting it might be.

…wants only what is fairly theirs: greed is a form of theft.

…is a reasonable person, they don't abandon reality for the seductions of fantasy.

…doesn't squander their talents, or ignore their passions.

…won't do to another that which they would not want done to themselves.

…knows that accomplishment and love and happiness and joy are infinitely abundant and rapidly multiplied in the sharing of these supreme aspirations, they never miss a chance to foster any of these along.

…strives for perfection.

Steven SRS

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