Isolation sits
...On islands
And tiny inlets
...And bays
Its halls all closed
And surrounded by
My protection from
The Cycloptic Ogres
...That have
Almost buried me
With chains of tired algae
And hardened corral
I mend my injuries
Seeking revenge
'Is not of my morality'
But a seeking of aid
In the distance
A life raft floats
With a line in my
Bidding me come
The S.S. You Will
...Be Fine In
...No time
By the Skipper:
Jesus Christ.
A person of The Spirit
Reaps what he sows.
As written in Galations:
'The fruit of the Spirit
Is love, joy, peace, patience,
Kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
Gentleness and Self Control.
August 2,2009
Dedicated to: Sheltered-aka...
Theodora (Theo) Onken