I await a love
I've never had.
Yet I am happy
when I should be sad.
As positive as I am
I felt my life
had paused.
My heart trapped
behind these four walls.
But just when
I thought
of giving in, I met
a special someone
who's really
quite interesting.
In common
we share so much.
The tears.
The laughter.
Even the people
we trust.
Sometimes we confuse
other times
we amuse.
Sometimes we talk serious
whilst we both
listen to our favourite
on where our talks
take us, we can sit
chat for hours.
In between taking showers
and tending to our
precious flowers.
We always
seem to find each-other.
With a little help
from the Internet gods
and their wonderful powers.
Still, I'm not sure
if this person will stay.
It's hard
to keep someone
who always running away.
But still I'm happy
that the Internet gods
sent them my way.
Maybe this person
ran from another.
And this is how we
came to meet each other.
But none of it
would I change.
I just hope
that this special
person I've found
will eventually
stop running
and stay.
© Jon.London 2009
London Love Poems