vanessa hughes - 40 000 Forum Posts

2014-11-10 3

I didn't know I suffered,
But now I know I do
Can you guess my OCD
Is it plain enough for you

I'm obsessed with post count totals
They haunt me in the night
I even saw my doc who said
You know you're never right

So now I have a number
Of which I'm very proud
It's time for me to make my mark
And stand out in the crowd

The time has come to make a vow
In silence I shall sit
Minutes? Hours? Days? Rejoice
Without my talk of shi... rubbish

So once again, I cannot bear
To break my row of noughts
Comments now I want to make
Will have to stay as thoughts

Until the mighty task ahead
Has been truly met and faced
Shall I ever post again?
Or stay in second place

(Birmingham 21-07-09) Copyright Vanessa Hughes 2009

vanessa hughes