Christian Eliab Ratnam - His Compassion, His Mercy

2014-11-10 74

My soul seeks for compassion,
My being for mercy yearns,
I have sinned, I have sinned,
I have sinned against my God.

Ashamed to face Him,
Too afraid to look on His face,
I distance myself, I distance myself,
The more each time.

I feel like a hypocrite,
I pray but feel nothing.
Am I not heard? Am I not heard?
I am restless, I am impatient.

I flip to a random page in that Book,
The Torah, The Word of God.
"Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually."
I kneel, I bow,
I seek and pray.

My eyes open, I seek my God,
I looked on that very same page.
"O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever."
I cry, I weep,
I see His reality, His Word, His deed.

My God does care,
I am reminded again,
His Torah, His Word,
His compassion, His mercy, I comprehend.

Copyright © Christian Eliab Ratnam 2012

Christian Eliab Ratnam