Michael Shepherd - ! ! Ibrahim's tale

2014-11-10 8


Ibrahim was a shoemaker
in that Persian land afar
where wisest men practice crafts
in side-alleys without name
and teach with stories

One day, Ibrahim was overcome
by happiness beyond all belief
while the sun moved from there to here

He told his friend, who said
you look the same to me

He went to the doctor who said
we’d better keep an eye on that,
it might need an X-ray

He went to the priest who said
the Devil has cunning ways
to tempt with gifts

He went to the politician who said
it’s just a way to avoid
your social responsibility

He went to the psychiatrist who said
such delusions are uncommon but
not unknown come back next week

Ibrahim walked home
through the market and stallholders smiled
even though he bought nothing

a stray dog followed him home
his wife said you’re late for dinner
how lucky you are to have me for a wife

his children said
didn’t you bring anything home for us?

But here the story of Ibrahim
splits into many versions;

so you who know that bliss
which overcame our Ibrahim
must complete it for yourselves
to tell to your chlldren and
your children’s children

so that wise men smile, and angels laugh,
and poets pause, and storytellers
nod to themselves, while
they shape and tack their shoes, that
a storyteller carries on wise shoulders
a responsibility to human beings
greater than any king..

Michael Shepherd
