To the exotica of innards! !
To the rigmarole… let’s go! !
Let’s talk of Archipelago
Michelangelo have heard and maligned
Let us dwell on aquatic pauses
And the huge wads of time
You have shoved beyond my teeth….. arrghh..
Won’t let go till you move
You Yangtze, you clamberer
Of slippery self
I am available I’m here I’m yours
To rub you wrap you in my tendrils
Surround you, slurp you up
Make you an ordinal me… stashed underneath
My silken sash...
Why tarried so long? Why a chutzpah
Of occupying this ticking vehicle
With mounds of caffeine and peaches of yore
And this berthing at my crimson port
Why this face with description of continents and diapers
This countenance for love and desire
Now tell me the author of ennui
Why “good mornings” and I love
Shall I hold you; let’s dance?
Oh you sicken me; paint me green
So what shall we do tomorrow?
And if I were to wear white
Would you dye your hair purposefully….. purple?
But you have worn and are worn
I’m being weaved, being planted somewhere
I am the first gulp of wine down the throat
I’m the sapling of a dream
And you oh…. Let’s go
* The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S Elliot as it registered on my senses. Kept reading it for last 20 years or so but was unable to channel it into expression. Thanks to my soul mate; who prima facie has done her bit in my life and has moved on to some newer unclaimed land
Frank Lisa IndiRa Francesca Roger Platt Cornish Martin