Obinna Kenechukwu Eruchie - Enchanted by Your Eyes

2014-11-10 4

Enchanted are diamonds in bludark sky
By the star's light they treasure in your eyes.
As a loop spiral they dive to recline
Upon your eyes they furnish more with nice,
Calm, shimmering beauty in sublime wide.
Disc silver is envious so of the prime
Tenderness they possess with awing light.

Within I bow to eyes of yours that smile,
In them a crystal soul with gentle vibe.
Tone here is raised as your eyes of life
Season my soul on affection to thrive.
Speeding it is my soul feels on a pike,
Like the star shooting with its tail of fire.
Of galaxy, the garden's scene is ripe.

Line 1 Bludark, a word I coined, as an adjective it refers to blue and dark, but as a noun, it refers to the sky as the blue darkness.

Line 11 Pike, a word that refers to high motorway.

Obinna Kenechukwu Eruchie