kaushik chandrasekhar - #72, POLICE QUARTERS

2014-11-10 4

The Curly roads that lead to the Indrakeeladri hills,
The Mangalagiri temple where the lion god takes away jaggeries,
The Undavalli caves carved by Buddhist monks around 7th century,
Hsuan-tsang once visited this charming place around 639 A.D,
If you still have a doubt better go check it out.
As i look back deep into this heaven of mine,
I can find lot of treasures within this awesome place,
I keep the charm within myself and admire it all the way,
I found my compliment, all that would make me full,
Early morning i stand outside that Tea shop,
Trying to make out what the local newspaper said along,
As they switched on that old transistor,
I Could hear the old 'Chevilo Puvvu' song,
I was a stranger to this heaven,
The first rays of sun hitting my forehead,
My home is away not less than six hundered miles,
But a day off, here i am to take away my belonging,
Something i never want to miss in my life,
As she comes out with a basket of flowers towards the temple,
The gates make a sheejing sound and the sleepy watchman wakes up,
She is surprised & totally shocked to see me here,
Clearly she draws my attention and asks the reason,
Her beauty as in ALL I WANT IS,
Puts me somewhere stranger than this strange place,
I dont have to say her again- that,
but i hold her hands again,
I conquer her and take her home,
As i sit in my car she looks at me and holds my arms tight,
Now that we got along together, nothing to worry,
drizzzzzzzz, drizzzzzzzz, more drizzzzzzzzz,
water and water all over my face,
my friends pouring them all over more and more of it,
it was just a dream,
Oh god damn it..
how can it ever happen,
goodness how can i forget,
she resided in

kaushik chandrasekhar
