Barbara Lynn Terry - Normal? Page Two

2014-11-10 3

Normal? Page Two
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Sir, may I ask you a question
and without hesitation
that why is it many are so formal
thinking that this what is normal?

Why is it that people judge others
for the way they look and never
bother to look in the mirror at
the haggard face they think is clever?

Why do they think they are so strong,
and one look says they are so wrong?
Why do they always say that love can only
be one way or not at all?

Do they even dare to preach their belief
and not give others heartfelt relief
by work and charitable deed
when others are in such need?

Those that think they are so normal
practice their hypopcritical oath
and for others who are different
they scoff, scold, and loathe.

So before you go and clean up
someone else's backyard,
please take a good look at
yourself because you too

Are simply not normal.

© 2009 by Barbara Lynn Terry

Barbara Lynn Terry