The beauty of our world,
now fills our poets mind,
words to form a nature poem
grow, to illustrate how natural,
how peaceful our world can be.
All must see how wild mountain
streams can flow serenely down,
no hard and jagged rocks to hurt,
just soft grassy slopes that fall,
gently, they softly tumble down.
They form a placid peaceful lake
where all still waters gather,
gaining strength to overcome
the storms of life to come.
All must sit quiet, listen for the sounds
that come trickling through to help the
rivulets of mind, form the seas of hope,
and the calm oceans of tranquillity.
Only then can flowers grow between the
hard rocks of reality, to let caring blossom,
fragrance of sharing multiply, and the love
of beauty touch, to form years of peace
throughout all the people of our world.
Bob Blackwell