Lonnie Hicks - Dreaming Need

2014-11-10 3

I lay down my heart for you
useless, beat-less
it will be
if you do not come back to me.

My eyes too
I'll place in my treasure box
I have no need to see

No need now for locomotion
I lie stlll
having no destination
if that destination
does not include

My brain succumbs
to hiatus;
no need for new thoughts;
the last and only one I need
is of you.

My beauty rose
when placed beside your photograph.

I see sun-beams in my room
but notice only the dust motes
not the beams' beauty.

I hear only the silence
of Deepest Need.

I am lost,
to be saved
only by a miracle;
your voice close
to my ear:
'I am here
you were having a dream.'

Lonnie Hicks
