Francis Duggan - Enjoy Life As Much As You Can Do

2014-11-10 5

Enjoy life as much as you can do since you will be forever dead
And just live for the now seize the moment and don't look back or too far ahead
You don't have to drink lots of alcohol for a good time strong liquor you ought not to swill
It can leave you feeling hung over and all next day feeling quite ill
If one worry leads to another why bother to worry at all
You may think that you have big troubles but compared to some your's only small
There are many far worse off than you and worrying will not get you anywhere
Your sort of worries would seem very little to many in the big World out there
You are not one who is homeless and hungry like many on poverty street
For one financially worse off than you are one would not have to walk far for to meet
You feel by life you are hard done by and your worries are getting you down
And you do not spread joy all around you when you walk the streets of the town
Enjoy life as much as you can do for you will be forever dead
And live for the now seize the moment and don't look back or too far ahead.

Francis Duggan