Barbara Lynn Terry - Have We Forgotten?

2014-11-10 6

Have We Forgotten?
by Barbara Lynn Terry

There is a message in here that we should all heed.

Have we forgotten how bright are the stars,
how beautiful they are from afar?

Have we forgotten the beauty of a flower,
or do we just walk on by and glower?

Have we forgotten the apple tree,
and all the romance that be?

Have we fogotten about the rivers and lakes,
or do we just wade through them and take?

Have we forgotten the beauty of a child's smile,
or do we just ignore them without that extra mile?

Have we forgotten what love is in the heart,
or do we just ignore that part?

The stars are bright in the nightime sky,
and we should all look up as we pass by
and see the twinkling as if they are blinking
at us saying that we should be thinking.

The beauty of a flower is a wonderful sight,
that we should never in haste take flight
but stop to see its beautiful might
as the winds it stands against to fight.

The apple tree has been sung about so much,
the white blossoms in the spring
bring forth the tasty fruit we like to munch,
and romance too a beautiful thing.

The sight of a child's smile,
makes us go that extra mile
to make sure the child is happy
even though some make think it's sappy.

The purity of love in the heart,
makes the romance so true
so that in each other we are a part
truly meaning the words 'I do'.

All of these things may to some seem
like troublesome things they cannot redeem
but even though the heart is a lonely hunter
the love between two people cannot be torn

© 2009 by Barbara Lynn Terry

Barbara Lynn Terry

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