Fay Slimm - Sunset Bewitches

2014-11-10 1

Spreading red sunsets assault naked eyes.
Carving raw seams into gashing lines
They cut deep bleeding swathes through dusky skies
While forecasting weather as fine

Colour bewitches, enriches our lives
Flooding us joy in every sense.
Richness abounds and nowhere more vibrant
Than light, the effect is immense.

Sky drenched in sunglow reflects into skin,
Stimulates, eases, smoothes out stress.
Psyche is altered when sunlight seeps in.
Souls, red-enfolded worry less.

Orange bears health and gold harnesses strength
From the final rays of the sun.
Submerging self in these defences
Sunset works magic when twilght's begun.

Fay Slimm
