your dawn,
awfully awesome.
my night,
awesomely awful.
kindles light in me.
crawling in my depth,
I reach atop
I lose my soul,
in the ambience,
the conspiring universe,
hides its glamour in my eyes.
and my crude being,
I flaunt in the ocean’s womb.
the starry cloak, of an everlasting remembrance,
sucks my memory,
and blesses with a spontaneity,
that erupts in words.
I lose my all,
to gain 'all'.
I write my all,
to seek a sweet solace
crept in my conscience,
a silent thought,
without a destiny,
a moment’s birth,
sublime in its essence,
lasts in my spilt ink.
why the hell do I call it my own?
[i know this poem seems futlie and unnecessary/without context, but i really dunno what it is, couldn't even find a title.
excuse the abruptness of it, but its all that came, and the way it came..]
Sarvesh Kulkarni